Payment instructions
To have your status changed from "pending" to "approved" you need to pay the entry fee. We will manually change your status, when we have recieved your payment.
If you have status "W" for Waiting list, please wait until you have been canged to "Pending" before you pay
We prefeer the Norwegian competitors to pay by "VIPPS". Search for 592218 (Agdenes pistolklubb) in the VIPPS app, or scann the QR code below. Mark the payment with "TRM and competitor name"
The entry fee is NOK 1500,-
Free entry fee for juniors
Please pay by the 15. February, or your slot will be given to the first person on the waiting list
We also have a PayPal solution for non Norwegian competitors. Use the button below, to pay Via PayPal.
NB! There will be no refund of entry fee, due to competitor cancellation.
Canselled slots will be property of the match organization
PayPal payment