Due to european traveling restrictions and Norwegian Corona rules, we have decided to cancell TRM 2020.
Sorry for this decision. We was realy looking forward to this event, but we will try again next year. Hope to have a date ready soon.
As soon we have recieved the refund for prepaid crew acommodation, we will refund the entry fee. Due to money transfer fees and cancellation/service fees, we can only refund 95% of the entry fee (NOK 1425,-)
This years The River Meeting will not be a championship. But we still plan to make it a great level III rifle match, with some of the best IPSC rifle shooters in the world.
The safety angles in this match, can be less than 90 degrees, for one or several stages.
Due to practical reasons, competitors will not be given the opportunity to verify their own hits/misses , on targets more than 30 meters away.
However we have a scoring crew that puts their honor into giving a fair scoore, acording to the rule book, for all the shooters.